When you search for the definition of self-love on google, the first definition that pops up is "regards for one's own well-being and happiness". The pandemic opened the doors to the awareness and need for self-love. Now more than ever, people are discussing self-love and its importance. Self-love is one such topic that comes with a plethora of questions and infinite answers.
Although the meaning is quite evident in the name itself, there is a question of how and why. How do I show self-love? Why is it important that I show self-love? All of these questions have very simple yet myriad answers. Simply put, self-love is an act of loving oneself completely and indefinitely, regardless of circumstance or situation.
Now that we have an idea of what self-love means, let us understand why it is so important in one's life.
Self-love is the base for all relationships in your life: You cannot build a loving and trusting relationship with someone else if you don't have one with yourself first. How can you expect someone else to love you can't love yourself first? If you can't love yourself for all your faults and flaws, for all your mistakes and mishaps. We must all learn to love ourselves before we seek love from others.
The journey of self-love teaches you a lot about yourself: When you embark on the journey of self-love, you also embark on a journey of self-awareness. Awareness about your wants and needs, about your actions and reactions and so much more. Self-love is nothing but taking time out to learn more about yourself, help yourself and embrace yourself.
Self-love makes life a whole lot easier: The moment you decide to live for your happiness, life becomes a joy ride. When you let go of the need to live up to the image other people have made up in their minds, you let go of a huge burden from your life. Doing things that make you genuinely happy, letting go of toxic people, saying no to whatever makes you unhappy, basically living life on your terms and yours alone.
Sometimes we tend to forget the importance of saying 'NO'- to certain people, to a certain situation, or certain decisions in our lives. Saying no to certain things in our life is as important as saying yes to the good things. Being sure of our boundaries and making sure to hold them up in every situation is very important on the journey of self-love.
And the most important lesson we learn from self-love is kindness. For when we learn to love ourselves regardless of our past mistakes we inculcate the power of understanding. We learn to understand ourselves as well as others. So not only does this journey benefit us, it benefits people around us, the people we love and care about.
There are a million shades to who I am and I love all the myriad shades of me.